26 January 2004

Impending Boredom
Though a lot of people work to pay the bills and have quality of life, which is driven by money in many cases, I have noticed that even when people don't have to work, there is a driving force or desire that keeps them in the workforce. Although I am not sure what the underlying psychology is that motivates people to continue working, I am starting feel it as well. Friday, I was told by my bosses that while the part time position that I had negotiated last year had been working, a lot more responsibilities were coming to the department, so they needed me to go back to full time. I felt caught between the feelings of "I hate to kill the golden goose that pays me money for coming in four hours a day," and "there's no way I'm going back to juggling Dan Shi Club, especially with another school wanting our after school teaching services, my MED, and having any semblance of a life." Since it appeared that my Golden Goose of part time was dead anyway, I obviously turned down the full time position. I'm going up to 6 hours a day until a new person is hired, and I transition the new person, but it appears that the remaining 6-7 months of 2004 is impending boredom. I am so freaked over the idea of not getting up and going to my little cubeland, wherever that might be. Perhaps having worked in cubeland since I was 17 has given me misgivings of freedom. I'll be glad to graduate (2/2005)with my MED ASAP so I can start teaching.