07 April 2003

Movie reviews from the weekend!

Welcome to Marian's Movie Review.

Firstly, Bringing Down the House. AWESOME! Number 1, you have to realize how truly comical Steve Martin and Queen Latifah is without even trying. True actors. They don't have to act! I would highly recommend this film if you enjoy the "ever-elusive-black-humor-that-the-white-man-just-can't-get-but-it's-great" buzz that is woven through the entire film. And yeah, I just have to say the reason why the bitch sister got her butt kicked was because she did Taboo...oh sorry, Tae-Bo. Tolerable front kicks, but a little predictable. Please note that I could not find any website that described Tae-Bo, just DVDs and VHS...of course what is there to explain? If you haven't sensed it, I highly denegrate this...this...this....*speechless*.

Moving on.

The Pianist. Could we GET any sadder? It would have to be a real effort. As Neal pointed out, throughout all the hopelessness and cruelty, one of the most heart wrenching scenes was when the pianist gets to play again...after 5 years of no playing. His expression was...difficult to express. There was no finality or "win" in the movie though. Just an interruption of life...a horrible and nightmare interruption. If you are a happy person, and want to stay happy, this would be a film to avoid. If you a realist, and like being a realist, you would probably appreciate this film.

Please keep tuned for more of Marian's Movie Review in the upcoming future!