25 November 2003

Lawsuit Pending
I did not snap when my morning's anticipated productivity was destroyed by the evil broker...
I did not snap when more of my morning was wasted on a stupid birthday celebration...
I did not snap when unreasonable demands were made by unreasonable people within an unreasonable time period...
I did not snap when it was painfully apparent that the Financial group did not invoice as I had directed, thus screwing it up...
I did not snap when the sheer hopelessness of it all started sinking in...
I did not snap when the IMTs starting making demands, obviously unaware of their lack of status on my radar screen...
I did not snap when it was apparant that many more hours this week were necessary than my usual time, which happens to be one of the busiest personal life weeks also...

...I snapped when, after I scrounged, stole, and dug into trash cans for 10 dimes for my precious drug - Pepsi, I staggered to the Pepsi machine, and hit the top button - Diet Pepsi.

That was the point of explosion and the contacting of my attorney for suit against Pepsi for putting THE DIET PEPSI BUTTON FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!