14 November 2003

In remembrance of my boss, who is leaving the company today, I shall impart to you a little story that will show you my suffering endurance of stupidity this past year, and help you understand my ecstatic feelings about his departure...

SCENE: Vice President, Director of EHS, Director of Risk Mgmt (my boss), secretary, EHS Coordinator, and Risk Mgmt Rep (me)...all eating lunch in jubilant celebration of my boss' departure.

Secretary: ...so you know why the Chinese girl in Finance went to China during the SARS breakout...

Naive EHS Director: I thought she got married...

All women: *looks at EHS Director like he's nuts*

Secretary: No, she's already married, but she's trying to get pregnant.

Me: Oh, well that make's sense why she was so determined to leave during THAT week then.

Very naive boss: Why would she need only THAT week to get pregnant?

Vice President: You know, the window of opportunity??

Very naive boss: No, what window?

Everybody: *stunned silence*

Secretary: OK, when you get pregnant, there's only a certain window of time that it's possible...

Very naive boss: Really?!?! That's very interesting...how about that?

Please note that the Very Naive Boss has three children. The bajillion smart remarks about his personal sex life that came to my mind all at once was successful controlled.