10 November 2003

Update on Annoying Coworker
...at least I assume she's a coworker since I have to pass her cubicle in order to exit the my floor.

Anyway, you may remember my rant on a certain lady who doesn't seem to grasp fashion, or what seasons she should wear certain colours and fabrics. It wasn't a malicious rant, but more of a "I've-got-to-get-it-out-of-my-system rant". She's really pushing it now though. Incorrectly spoken English is somewhat common, but sometimes you have to search for people who slaughter the language. My search is complete. As I passed her cubicle this morning and noted with satisfaction that she wearing appropriate colours, I hear her saying, "well, I don't think that's gooder, but it's not too bad."

There is nothing else to say. She is a lost soul. I have actually heard people say my pet peeve word (gooder), but not by an accountant. Truly horrifying.