21 March 2003

Ebay Update
You have probably noticed that one of my favourite websites is Ebay if you've looked at my very short favourite website list. I have more, don't worry ;) Anyway, I sell stuff too, so here's some things I'm selling if you or a friend may enjoy something.

The Others (enjoyed watching it, but i wouldn't watch it enough to keep dusting it)
The Silence of the Lambs (scared me shitless...I like to live in my little world of peace, happiness, and less fear)
American Pie 2 (a horrible mistake! i had forgotten to tell Columbia Club that I didn't want it)
Any Given Sunday (please, give me soccer. I hate football.)
The Usual Suspects (don't know about this, Eric had it and it's not been watched since I've known him, so why keep it?)
Chuck Norris - Top Dog (the same reason)
Jackie Chan - Fantasy Mission Force and Master with Cracked Fingers (yes I realize that it's all action and no plot...)