21 March 2003

I have discovered multiple reasons to never become a nurse. Here just a few...

  • After 6 hours in the hospital waiting on tests, etc., you get very tired.

  • After 6 more hours at home of watching, babying, plumping pillows, and trying to get husband to forget the pain *hopeless* - your efforts are rewarded with a headache.

  • The headaches and suffering culminate into a need for pain killers. So...I try his pain killers thinking it will be stronger. Ummm...yeah, they were stronger.

  • The remainder of the evening is each spouse desperately trying to help each other because one is having a kidney stone, and one overdosed on pain killers and is sick as a dog.

  • Life is returning to normal now! ...at least for me. Eric's still suffering a lot. However, for the reasons above, I don't think the whole nursing bit is cut out for me.