15 March 2003

Not tired :)...
Today has been such a good day, and it's not even over! Started out well with a good breakfast of my scrambled eggs with cheese and cinnamon rolls, then on to Tae Kwon Do class, which happened to have been a very good one, in my opinion. It was fun, yet we got some good workout and knowledge too. I think this coming test will go well.

The Spring Bug has hit me so bloody hard. I have freshly potted flowers (plants, more plants, and more plants) all around my condo now. Let's just see if I can keep them from dying. Generally, I'm pretty successful, I just need to remember that they have to have water...the only issue I seem to have! Soil, potting, etc. always goes well. I managed to come to an agreement with the upstairs neighbor for a potted plant in the hall, since it's the most dismal hallway next to The Rock. I'm trying to work up to the crabby neighbors so that they will let me go with a front yard flower garden where the supposed landscaping is, but you'd never know it to look at it. Bunch of dirt and scraggly bushes. Ah well, we'll see in April!