29 August 2003

Yesterday was such a disaster. By the end of the working part of it, I was in the perfect mood to burn somebody's home or stop behind a car sitting at a red light and honk until the light changed...just to inflict my bad day onto somebody else. What makes it bad was that there wasn't anything in particular that ruined, it was just the whole culmination of the day. Blah.

I'm a lot better now. A lot more educated too. I never have time to watch TV, so since I got my schoolwork papers written earlier than usual, I dedicated the remainder of my evening to watch in complete amazement the complete stupidity of sit coms. Will and Grace, Everyone Loves Raymond, or something titled like that, and Friends were among the worst. I've watched Friends many times in my college years, never realizing until now how starved for entertainment I must have been.

So I had a bowl of ice cream and went to sleep.