08 August 2003

A Review of Emotions
There is a big difference in the excitement of being "sick" so you can bum at home all day watching Star Trek, mooching pure slavery out the husband, and being desperately ill. I define desperately ill as "stomach pain, constant nauseousness, back pain (from lying down for so long), dizziness, and a lack of focus to even watch a Stak Trek! BTW, I blame the 2 Arby's roast beef sandwiches for my nausea and anguish.

Calima made my day a happier one (besides the blessed fact that Friday is now upon us and I have only 15 days left of full time work) by linking me to her blog. It wasn't the linking itself, rather the comment she put under the link: "Always insightful, always brilliant". Thank you Calima!