19 August 2003

I was stuck in traffic yesterday, so I got to watch some lumber guys cut a tree down in someone's yard. I was totally smitten with jealousy. Have you ever just wanted to work outside, even though it is hot and a lot of hard work instead of going into the allergy ridden, full-of-catty-women, back-getting-sore-in-chair-from-sitting-all-day, vending machine dependent office? I think you have just determined my take on that. Perhaps being allergic to most things in the office (or just inside) and not being allergic to anything outside makes me itchy to get out there. I also just get so sore sitting in one place, even with frequent walks. So, I sat there trying to find a reason why I wouldn't want outside odd jobs, and of course - winter! Who wants to work in the winter? I would say it would be loads of fun (and you could earn a ton) to clear snow, but Indiana isn't dependable enough for that. Maybe it's just early in the week and I'm hating these last two weeks of full time work too ;)