16 June 2004

People that don't work shouldn't be this tired. I should be writing a paper (you know, one of the busy work papers that really makes no impact on my education) right now, but instead I am attempting to keep my head from crashing into my keyboard.

I think that the Tae Kwon Do summer camps are draining me...a huge source of my power loss. 50 kids on Monday, 35 kids on Tuesday, 50 kids today. Please explain to me why I would want one 24/7. Actually I do, but after weeks like this, I go into shell mode.

...oh, and another power drainage was the home owner's meeting last night. You want to get you chance at war? Own a home in suburbia. I was expecting grenades and sniper rifles to appear at any moment. I think people keep their hostility towards their neighbors bottled up for one big explosion. I got nominated to the board, which was interesting. Then...somebody jumped up and wanted a five member board instead of a three member board since the current three member board spends an average of 20 minutes complaining of all the heavy responsibilities. One nice thing came out of it was a final brawl with the morons next door (if you've ever been to our place, you'll know what I mean). After rather harsh words were passed, the peace treaty was signed. Hopefully we'll have a less volatile future.

Ok...back to the brainless busywork paper that is making no impact on my education.