29 June 2004

Why? I don't work! I don't understand this :( Between now and this Thursday evening, I have to:

1. Reserve tent, chairs and tables for Kick to the Stars;
2. Follow-up on wine, food and beer for Kick to the Stars;
3. Compile the team project into something resembling professionalism;
4. Do MY homework;
5. Get ahead in the class since I'm going to New York this weekend;
6. Teach Tae Kwon Do's regular classes and summer classes; and
7. Get the invitations for Kick to the Stars printed.

I'm seeing a trend here with Kick to the Stars. It's going to be an awesome event and loads of fun, but don't ever let anybody tell you that there's a TON of work that goes with it.

I feel better now. Perhaps sharing my stress helped...back to class!

PS Did I mentioned packing? That's just fun though :)